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Printing catalogs


Printing catalogs in the A1 printing house is one of the best ways to declare yourself and your products or services, to demonstrate your competitiveness and  come up with an effective commercial proposal. Their stylish design, competent product description, bright and rich photos will allow potential customers to appreciate all the advantages of the services or products offered.
Do you need to quickly and efficiently develop truly effective advertising? Tell in a printed publication about your company, manufactured products or services provided? Then the printing of catalogs in Moscow from our A1 Printing House is what you need!

Types of catalogs

We print color and black-and-white catalogs by offset method from the layout provided by the customer or developed by our designers. Unlike brochures, leaflets or brochures, such printed products allow you to place the maximum of necessary information, supplementing it with colorful and rich images, tables and photographs.

skrenka4 (2).jpg

Catalog on paper clips

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KBS catalog, PUR glue


Catalog on paper clips

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Spring catalog

Printing catalogs, the price of which is one of the most favorable in Moscow, is the key to a successful and vivid presentation of any of your services or goods. They will draw attention to your company's products at a business meeting or exhibition, interest potential investors, etc.
The appearance of the catalog will be determined by the selected cover design and the type of binding used. Typically, small catalogs use a type of stapling. If you have a "thick" catalog, then it makes sense to consider the bindings of the KBS or KShS.

How much does it cost to print a catalog?

The price for printing catalogs depends on:

  • materials used,

  • number of pages,

  • efficiency of work,

  • difficulties in translating your ideas, etc.

From us you can order the design and printing of catalogs both in a standard design and exclusive expensive products.

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Фольга, блинтовое (слепое), конгрев.
Полиграфический процесс для получения рельефного изображения на поверхности продукции. Относится к послепечатной отделке продукции, производящийся на ручных, полуавтоматических и автоматических прессах 



Это метод печати на поверхности с помощью продавливания красок через трафаретную форму.


Выборочный УФ-лак

УФ лакирование печатной продукции — это полное или частичное покрытие печатного листа или уже готового изделия глянцевым прозрачным лаком.


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and other manual operations


Как заказать?

1.Оставляете заявку

2.Мы делаем расчет

3. Подготавливаем макет

4. Делаем правки

5. Запускаем в производство

6. Делаем доставку бесплатно

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